Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Denise's City Cottage Kit Part 2 - Floor, Sidewalls and Beams

Now that we have a foundation it is time to move on to the next step....the floor, sidewalls and roof beams. 
The instructions call for you to mark on opposite sides of the foundation a 1/4" line.  I had a piece of 1/4" balsa wood that I used to make the would probably be more accurate with a ruler but I didn't see a difference.
Here is one side of the finished mark:

This shows that the lines should be across from each figure is pointing to one side and the other mark is on the right.

Next lay the floor piece on to the foundation.  Make the back of the board flush with the back of the foundation and line the floor on the right and left sides with the two pencil marks you made in the steps above.

You can see the pencil line on the right, the floor will not reach the front of the foundation. This is normal as there is a front wall and porch floor to install later.

Next we are going to install the side walls.  They have a small window in each.  In order to find the outside wall you will need to find the countersink hole.  Here is an example of the countersink (my finger is pointing at it) and the other hole is the non-countersink side:
The countersink side will face towards the outside, in the picture below you can see the non-countersink side facing in towards the floor:

Make sure to line the front of the wall up to the front of the floor, they will fit flush. 
The wall will slightly overhang at the back of the foundation:

In order to temporarily hold my walls up I used painters tape and a box taped to the inside of each wall....this worked amazingly well.  These temporary supports are going to be used over night so make sure you use a box with something in it. I had purchased two boxes of stucco be applied later on the outside.

Once you have stood up both of the walls it is time to place the two ceiling beams in place.  The front beam is square and the back beam has a slant to it.
Make sure that the indented channels in the front square beam face towards the back of the house:

The back beam has indents that will need to face towards the front of the house (see my pinky below).  Make sure that the slant lines up with the sides of the house (see my pointer finger below).

At this stage you will want to use blue painters tape or masking tape to secure the beams to the sides of the house on all four corners.


On to part 3!

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