Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dollhouse Floor with a Home Depot Vinyl Tile


First, comes down to this basic list:
  1. Vinyl Tile - I got mine from home depot ~$1
  2. Cutting Board - snagged it from the kitchen
  3. Metal Ruler - I love Amazon
  4. SHARP X-Acto Knife - I love Amazon
  5. Thin Sharpie - I love Amazon
  6. Dollhouse Floor - came with your dollhouse kit or custom made
Step 1 - Gathering Supplies

Here is a picture of the tile that I decided to use on the Rare Bookshop. I bought three different tiles in different colors so that I could place the bookshelves on to get a good idea of what color would really make them pop.  The extra couple of bucks I spent on the tiles I won't use on this project was worth it!

Step 2 - Cutting the Tile to Fit the Floor

I would highly recommend that you do this step before you assemble your house. If your house is already assembled then you will want to create a paper template and use that to cut out your tile.

First place your tile on a cutting board and place the dollhouse floor on top of the tile. Line up the edges....THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT.

Use your sharpie to draw an outline of the floor on the tile, be careful and make sure nothing slides around during this step. (Yes...I am not left handed but I needed to get a picture of what I was looks so awkward!)

Now take the metal ruler and X-Acto knife and gently score the tile along the lines that you drew. There is no need to push super hard during this step.

Now take the tile and line the cut edge up against the edge of a flat surface, the cutting board  or table edge. Gentle press down along the cut edge.  The tile will snap off at your scored line.

The sticky backing paper will keep the edge attached to your work but you can gentle run the knife down the edge to detach or just rip it off.

After you have detached all your extra pieces make sure and fit it against your dollhouse floor one last time to make sure the fit is good. You will need to make sure that you accounted for any extra spaces that walls may take up.

The floor can be installed by taking the paper off the backside of the tile and using the sticky substance and/or you can add white glue to hold it down.

Other option
You can also score your tile and break it into pieces to make square or rectangle tiles. 

Hope this was helpful!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Interior Stucco for Dollhouse Walls

Ok, here is my adventure in creating a stucco type look for the interior of the rare book shop I am making. I was going for an old look not Southern California more of a knock down plaster with defects....hence old.  I used a common wall plaster that I picked up at our local Home Depot.

Oh and don't forget this handy tool while you are at the store. I layered the spackling paste with the tool below and left trowel marks.  The depth of the spackling I put on was around 1/8" or less.

After applying the spackling compound you will need a washcloth with longer nap. Get the wash cloth more than damp but not dripping.  Make sure you fold the washcloth so that you have a smooth surface showing. Then gently press allover your spackling job.  Here is the final product. Of course let it sit and dry for at least a day.

I am working on My procrastination issues....starting tomorrow

Six months ago or maybe a bit announced their Annual Creatin' Contest. Of course I thought this would be an excellent project and it would be my first entry into the competition. So I ordered the base dollhouse and anxiously waited for it to arrive in the mail.  Then I quickly opened the box and used blue painter's tape to dry fit it together.  I was really on a roll and applied stucco to one interior wall....which turned out fabulously (see next post) and I even put some roof beams on.

Then what did I do with the house....NOTHING....for six months.  The due date is this coming Monday, December 15th!!!!  I best get a move on!

Here is the official contest website:  Creatin Contest

Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome to Gothic Miniatures blog! This is my first blog ever and I was inspired by the multiple blogs on dollhouse miniatures. I spend almost every evening searching though the web looking for dollhouse tutorials, DIY, blogs on miniatures etc. It's my hobby! I love creating miniatures.  So here goes, let's see if I can add some value to the dollhouse community!